
Sexting: what it is, reasons and how to do “safe” sexting

(Votos: 0 Promedio: 0)

The technological revolution and the ease of making and disseminating images have favored the appearance of new behavioral habits such as sexting. The word “sexting” comes from the union of two English terms “sex” and “texting” and means sending erotic or pornographic content through mobile phones.

Sexting involves sending static images (photos) or dynamic images (videos) of sexual content from less to more erotic charge between people who have voluntarily consented to the sending and which is part of their sexual activity. This activity does not follow any pattern and develops freely.

History of sexting

Sexting began to be detected in 2005, mainly in adolescents from Anglo-Saxon countries, but today it has spread to all continents, although each of them does so to a different extent. While in the US 15% of minors between the ages of 12 and 18 practice sexting, in Spain only 1.5% speak of it and among children between the ages of 10 and 16.

At first, sexting was only done through SMS messages, but with the evolution of mobile phones and technology it became photos and recently videos.

Today, it is an increasingly common practice among people who own a mobile device with a camera, regardless of age, and there are even famous people who have exposed cases of sexting. This phenomenon is being as common as it is dangerous due to the risk that exists in the loss of control of these images and they can become disseminated.

For this reason, you have to be respectful and not do what you would not like them to do to you.

Reasons why people sext

There are many reasons why people practice sexting. Some of them can be:

  • Social pressure and the desire to fit in socially. Eager to fit into an increasingly sexualized environment and attract the attention of the group. Erotic content is so common that participation is no longer strange or dangerous and is becoming more and more a standard practice. This reason is usually more common in adolescents.
  • Confidence in the discretion of the recipient of the message. They consider that their partner is for life or that they would never do that.
  • Technical ignorance. They believe that there is no danger that is reproduced in other media that can occur when the mobile is lost or stolen.
  • Inability to perceive the risk or because of the desire to transgress the rules, without being aware of the possible future consequences that it may have on your life.
  • With the aim of generating sexual interest in another person. In this case, it can be done as a form of sexual experimentation, as a previous sexual activity seeking excitement and desire, to attract attention from another person and with the goal of feeling attractive and sensual. This is the reason that is most sought after in Secret Panties.

How to do “safe” sexting

First of all, sexting with “head”. It is important to have common sense and avoid showing your face at any time. Also, instead of sending explicit content, it is better to play a little more with erotica and seduction. You can use mirrors, show parts of the body other than the genitals, such as the hands, shoulders… This would be the surest way to make sure that, even if something unexpectedly comes to light, you are not recognized and you are not can prove it’s you Those are tips from sexologist Ruth González, from Terapia Sexo.

Other tips that can be followed to enjoy sexting and be safer are:

The light

First of all, make sure that the lighting in your environment is dim. In this way, the photos or videos you take will not be 100% defined, which not only serves to avoid a hypothetical subsequent sextortion, but also to play with shadows and erotica.

Marks, moles or scars

If you have easily identifiable marks, moles, or scars, avoid exposing them in photos or videos. This will make it more difficult to recognize you in case the content is disseminated.

Better not talk

If you prefer to make videos, it is best to send them without sound so as not to recognize your voice. But if you prefer to do it that way, better emit whispers or moans.

Clear your content history

Although you cannot make sure that the other person deletes your content, you can delete your content so that it does not happen to you that it is stolen or you lose your mobile and at the same time lose control of your photos.

Of course, in case of suffering a sextortion (that the other person blackmails you and uses the content as a bargaining chip) it is best to report it and thus give visibility to this type of case.

And these are our tips, and now, enjoy safe sexting! 🔥