Introduction to BDSM

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BDSM is a term that encompasses a group of freely consensual erotic practices that can be considered as a lifestyle. Bondage, Discipline, Submission, Sadism and Masochism, are the erotic modalities that it covers and which we will talk about below.


The “Bondage” is an English term that implies certain links that are established in certain relationships of subordination. At first the term was used to refer to the restrictive bond that united masters and slaves. It is also associated with rope ties or other restrictive elements typical of power roles such as master-submissive, owner-pet for erotic purposes.


“Discipline” is a term that refers to erotic practices related to rules, punishments, training, behavior protocols and postures, etc. It is closely related to the eroticization of the traditional English discipline of the Victorian era. Then, was applied to girls and boys in school and family life, including practices such as spanking (hitting the buttocks with an open hand), caning (hitting with rods) and humiliation.

Submission and domination are complementary practices of power exchanges: one or more people dominate one or more people who submit.


“Domination” is a term used to refer to erotic practices in which a person adopts a dominant role to act according to her will and her desire over another or other people who adopt a submissive role. When the dominant role is occupied by a woman and the submissive role by a man, the practice is often called femdom or female domination.


“Submission” is a term used to refer to erotic practices in which a person adopts a submissive role in which they remain under the will of another or other people who adopt a dominant role. The person in the submissive role obeys or allows her body to be acted upon. It is always a situation of voluntary submission and oriented towards erotic enjoyment, strictly within the framework of the limits established by the person who adopts the submissive role, who can interrupt the situation at any moment.


“Sadism” is a term used to refer to erotic practices in which a person obtains pleasure by causing pain, humiliation or discomfort to another person who accepts that situation.


“Masochism” in this context refers to erotic practices in which a person derives pleasure by experiencing pain, humiliation, or discomfort at the hands of another person who agrees to be in this relationship.

It should be noted that BDSM rejects any practice of domination, however minimal, that does not have the real, full, informed and constantly updated consensus of the person occupying the submissive role.


BDSM relationships must follow a safe, sensible and consensual mode regarding their practices:

  • Safe in terms of the necessary knowledge about its development and about the material used, as well as about risk prevention.
  • Sensible in terms of the reasonable decision-making capacity on the part of those involved, knowing how to differentiate fantasy and reality.
  • Consensual in that the participants agree on the form and intensity with which they are carried out, and likewise that said agreement can be terminated at any time.

There is also the safe word, since in certain roles the submissive is expected to refuse out of curiosity. An emergency word is used to make sure to stop when he needs it.

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