Cómo funcionan los envíos

How do I send/receive my packages?

(Votos: 0 Promedio: 0)

At Secret Panties we know that maintaining the privacy and anonymity of users is essential. That is why we take care of every part of the process, including the shipment of the physical products sold. The goal is to ensure a good experience for both the buyer and the seller. In this post we are going to explain how sendings work at Secret Panties whether you are a buyer or a seller.

How sendings work at Secret Panties

If you have a seller profile and someone has purchased a physical product of yours, such as a lace thong or black thongs, follow these steps:

  1. Agree on the shipping conditions with the buyer through the Secret Panties chat, as it is the safest way: determine to which address the package will be sent, how, when, etc.
  2. For shipping, choose a bubble envelope to better protect the product.
  3. Prepare the garment by folding it well and wrapping it in plastic wrap or an airtight bag to preserve its aroma and shape.
  4. You can add some special detail, such as a sweet or a note, to make the buyer feel more special.
  5. The shipment must be discreet, so it is important that you do not make any reference to the product it contains. Write the address or post office box provided by the client and, if you want to remain anonymous, you can indicate our post office box: Ankapa NetworkPlaça Pau Vila 1,08039 Barcelona

Our recommendation is that you do not make deliveries in person to guarantee your privacy and security.

If you are a buyer, this is what you should know:

  1. Once you have purchased the product, contact the seller (if you were not already contacted) to agree on the shipping conditions.
  2. Your order will arrive anonymously and we will maintain your privacy at all times.
  3. The delivery time will depend on the distance you are from the seller and the mail system, so it can vary between hours, days or weeks. If you see that it has not arrived after too long, contact the delivery company and us in case there is a problem.
  4. One piece of advice is that if you want to use an address that is not your personal address, there are other options such as using the post office box, Glovo, Citypac or Pudo. If you want more details about this, you can consult our frequently asked questions, point 11 «Can I receive an order without giving my address?».

At this point, we hope we have helped you learn more about how sendings work at Secret Panties. If you have any other questions, do not hesitate to contact us. We are here to help you!