Errores a la hora de vender fetiches

Mistakes when selling sexual fetishes

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In the world of selling sexual fetishes, it is important to be aware of the most common mistakes made. These mistakes can negatively impact the sales experience and limit the success of your business. In this post, we are going to explore the most common mistakes when selling sexual fetishes and how to avoid them.

Lack of detailed descriptions

One of the main flaws when selling sexual fetishes is not providing detailed product descriptions. Buyers want to know exactly what they are purchasing, so providing accurate information about the item’s details, condition, and use is crucial. Descriptions should be clear, concise and attractive, as well as seductive and attractive.

Low quality photos

Images are essential when selling sexual fetishes. Low-quality photos can decrease buyers’ interest and cause them to lose confidence in the quality of the product. Be sure to take clear, well-lit photos that clearly show the details of the item or highlight your physique if applicable. Consider using different angles and perspectives to show all relevant features. Create images that people are willing to pay to see, bring out your most sensual side and create the perfect image for each product!

Unrealistic price

A common mistake is setting unrealistic prices for sexual fetishes. It is important to research the market and take into account factors such as demand, rarity of the item, and competition. Setting fair and competitive prices can increase your chances of selling successfully.

Lack of discretion in shipping

Discretion is essential when selling sexual fetishes, as many buyers wish to maintain their privacy. Be sure to take steps to ensure discreet shipping, such as using unmarked packaging and providing confidential shipping options.

Lack of customer service

Providing good customer service is essential in any type of business, including the sale of sexual fetishes. Respond quickly to buyer inquiries, offer assistance, and ensure clear and respectful communication at all times.


Avoiding these common mistakes can make all the difference in the success of your sexual fetish selling business. Provides detailed descriptions, quality photos, realistic pricing, discreet shipping, and excellent customer service. Remember that buyer satisfaction is paramount to achieving successful sales!

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