Ideas para incluir juguetes sexuales en tu perfil

Ideas to include sex toys in your profile

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In Secret Panties, each seller has its own unique style and personality. One of the most exciting ways to express this is through the inclusion of sex toys in your content and sales. Here are some ideas and tips to do it.

Why include sex toys?

Not only can sex toys add an extra dimension of fun and creativity to your content, they can also appeal to a wider variety of buyers. The diversity of your toys can open you up to a new group of potential customers who are looking for something else.

Ideas to include sex toys in your content

1. Pictures: Pictures are a great way to show your toys. You can be creative with the poses, lighting and framing to reflect your personal style and you can also use them accompanied by a description of what you are doing, how you feel…

2. Videos: Videos are also a very effective way to show your toys in action; you can use them when selling digital content to surprise buyers or give a spicier touch.

3. Detailed descriptions: It is not always necessary to show the toy itself, sometimes the descriptions can be even more interesting! Don’t limit yourself to a simple list of your toys. Instead, provide detailed descriptions of each one, explaining how you use them and why you like them, what you offer, anything you can think of!

4. Personal stories or anecdotes: Sharing personal stories or anecdotes about your experiences with sex toys can make your profile more attractive and personal. Add these stories when selling digital content or a used toy.

7. Wish lists: If there are any sex toys you want to try, you can also include it in your content: talk about how you imagine it, why you want to try it, how you would like to use it, etc. Or you can even choose to accept custom requests from buyers about toys they would like you to use!

8. Selling used sex toys: Finally, you can also simply sell a used toy or add it as an accessory to other products, for example used underwear, if you have used them.


Including sex toys in your profile and content of Secret Panties is a great way to express your unique personality and attract a wider audience. Remember: don’t be afraid to be yourself and have fun in the process.

Explore the limits of your imagination in Secret Panties and enjoy your sexuality!